
English and the Providence of God

I remember well my first day in Mrs. Graves’ sophomore English class. She walked in and immediately started handing out detentions to anyone who was talking after the bell. I, however, was not intimidated. For some reason, her no-nonsense introduction made me smile. She eventually gazed at me and said, “Why are you smiling?” I didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t get me a detention, so I just kept smiling. Despite her initial impression, she wasn’t as strict as we thought. She was–at times–in her own words, “as soft as a marshmallow.”

Thankfully, that is not my only impression of my time in Mrs. Graves’ class. It was in her class that one of my God-given gifts—writing—was nurtured and crafted. Of course, I did not realize it at the time, but it became obvious years later that God had blessed me with an All-Star team of teachers who He used to pour into me through the years. There is not a day that goes by that I am not reminded of the impact these teachers had on my life, and of God’s providence in placing them there.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I can barely send a grammatically incorrect text without thinking, “What would Mrs. Graves do if she saw this?” I’m not ashamed to admit, though, that every sermon I type as pastor of Smith Chapel, that every love letter I write to my beautiful wife Yolanda, and everything else in between are the result of God’s grace shown through Mrs. Fuchs, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Limbaugh, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Lape, and so many more.

I am starting this blog to be faithful with the talent God has given me. I want to hear from my King Jesus Christ, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21) when He returns. Prayerfully, as I kick off this blog, I will honor my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and these teachers. Anytime you are inspired and/or impressed by anything from this blog, give glory to God for His providence, and give credit to these teachers for their faithfulness. Anytime you are disgusted and/or disappointed, feel free to blame me!

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